A weblog for students engaged in doctoral studies in the field of human rights. It is intended to provide information about contemporary developments, references to new publications and material of a practical nature.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
US to Seek a Seat on the UN Human Rights Council
New Journal: Human Rights Practice
Thanks to Dr Michael Kearney
Is the International Criminal Court Targetting Africa?
Monday, 30 March 2009
Blogs are Evidence at Yugoslavia Tribunal
Thanks to Jernej Letnar Černič
Saturday, 28 March 2009
ICC Observers
Prosecutor Appeals Genocide Decision of International Criminal Court
In order to obtain leave to appeal, in accordance with article 82, he must demonstrate that the decision 'involves an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial' and for which 'an immediate resolution by the Appeals Chamber may materially advance the proceedings'. It is really hard to see how these conditions can be met. The evidence to prove crimes against humanity and genocide will be essentially the same, and therefore this should not affect the proceedings in a significant way. The Trial Chamber can always conclude that there is enough evidence to sustain a charge of genocide, and then amend the charges, bearing in mind the need to give fair warning to the defence. In other words, there is no need to resolve this issue now. It can easily be fixed at trial, if indeed a mistake has been made.
The Prosecutor's arguments in his application for leave to appeal are not very convincing. Essentially, they amount to saying that any time a Pre-Trial Chamber denies certain charges in an arrest warrant, this raises issues of fairness and requires immediate determination. He is claiming, I think, that a decision of the sort should automatically be subject to an appeal.
This is surely not what was intended by the drafters of the Rome Statute, it is not what the Statute says, and it doesn't make sense. The whole purpose of limiting the right of interlocutory appeal is to expedite the proceedings. It is generally framed within concern about dilatory motions by the defence. One would not expect it to be the Prosecutor who is delaying proceedings.
One of the arguments in the application for leave to appeal that I found particularly intriguing is the claim that the Pre-Trial Chamber decision creates unfairness for the defense. This is very creative. I doubt that the defense agrees, however, that the Prosecutor should be able to appeal in order to add a charge of genocide!
The application says that the Prosecutor also intends to apply for a new arrest warrant, with new material. Aren't there more important things for the Prosecutor to be doing? After all, he obtained a warrant for crimes against humanity. Why not concentrate on proving that one, rather than quibble about whether the charge should also be one of genocide?
Cassese is President of Special Tribunal for Lebanon
Monday, 23 March 2009
Cuirt Literature Festival in Galway, 21-26 April
Friday, 20 March 2009
Reports of Israeli War Crimes in New York Times
Now testimony is emerging from within the ranks of soldiers and officers alleging a permissive attitude toward the killing of civilians and reckless destruction of property that is sure to inflame the domestic and international debate about the army’s conduct in Gaza. On Thursday, the military’s chief advocate general ordered an investigation into a soldier’s account of a sniper killing a woman and her two children who walked too close to a designated no-go area by mistake, and another account of a sharpshooter who killed an elderly woman who came within 100 yards of a commandeered house. When asked why that elderly woman was killed, a squad commander was quoted as saying: “What’s great about Gaza — you see a person on a path, he doesn’t have to be armed, you can simply shoot him. In our case it was an old woman on whom I did not see any weapon when I looked. The order was to take down the person, this woman, the minute you see her. There are always warnings, there is always the saying, ‘Maybe he’s a terrorist.’ What I felt was, there was a lot of thirst for blood.”
International Studies Association Convention Next Year
I would urge doctoral students to consider making proposals for both papers and panels at next year’s meeting. Think about proposing a panel, and not just one for other doctoral students but where you invite a few ‘big names’ to participate. The deadline is 1 June 2009, so it is not too early to start moving on this.
International Studies Association Convention Next Year
I would urge doctoral students to consider making proposals for both papers and panels at next year’s meeting. Think about proposing a panel, and not just one for other doctoral students but where you invite a few ‘big names’ to participate. The deadline is 1 June 2009, so it is not too early to start moving on this.
New Mexico Abolishes Death Penalty
http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/2/hi/americas/7951972.stm. It may seem too early to be overly optimistic, but it is one further sign in the United States that the wind is shifting, and that one of the more stalwart and increasingly isolated countries on the death penalty map is following the rest of the world towards abolition.
Thanks to Brian Farrell.
Nuremberg Prosecutor Letters Made Public

Another recent personal account of Nuremberg comes from the letters of Thomas Dodd, which were recently edited and published by his son, a US Senator: Letters from Nuremberg, My Father’s Narrative of a Quest for Justice. I read recently that Senator Christopher Dodd has a house in Connemara, somewhere near Roundstone, and visits it regularly.
Thanks to Christopher Ryan.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Aggression Report of International Criminal Court Now AVailable
Although not the last word on the subject, it represents a growing consensus on many of the outstanding issues concerning the definition of the crime, and authorisation to the Court to exercise jurisdiction over it. The big problem is still unresolved, however: will the permanent members of the Security Council accept this. They haven't even blinked, so far. Everyone hopes that the solution will come at, or perhaps even before, next year's review conference, to be held in Kampala, Uganda, probably in April, May or June. No matter how much progress is made on the technical issues, the big political question remains.
Conference on Human Rights and Forensic Science
Monday, 16 March 2009
Employment Opportunities at Aegis Trust
Call for Gaza Investigation
Saturday, 14 March 2009
An Unappealing Appeal
There is no general right of appeal or judicial review at the Court, as has already been held in a ruling of the Appeals Chamber (http://www2.icc-cpi.int/NR/exeres/0DEA09C1-52B0-44C3-BA59-ED6289C4405E.htm). Appeals only lie when they are provided for in provisions of the Statute.
There has been one appeal of issuance of an arrest warrant before the Court, but this was taken because it raised an issue of admissibility and was therefore authorised by article 82(1)(a). Otherwise, the Prosecutor must seek leave of the Pre-Trial Chamber, in accordance with article 82(1)(d). The Statute says that leave will only be granted with respect to a decision "that involves an issue that would significantly affect the fair and expeditious conduct of the proceedings or the outcome of the trial, and for which, in the opinion of the Pre-Trial or Trial Chamber, an immediate resolution by the Appeals Chamber may materially advance the proceedings'. Because the charges can always be amended in the course of the proceedings, and because the Trial Chamber may on its own initiative propose the legal requalification of acts that are proven before the Court, and because the evidence of crimes against humanity is arguably the same as that for genocide, it is hard to see how the Prosecutor's appeal could meet the terms of article 82(1)(d).
I am not aware of any precedent for such appeals at the ad hoc tribunals either. At the ad hocs, where counts were denied by the judge issuing the indictment, the Prosecutor just swallowed hard and moved on to other things.
Had the Prosecutor been satisfied with an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity and genocide, it would probably have been granted within a month or two of his application, in July 2008. After all, the Pre-Trial Chamber had already issued warrants on this basis concerning the Situation in Darfur. Why would it take a different approach to Bashir? It is obvious enough that the reason the arrest warrant took so long was the debate about genocide. But any reasonable student of recent legal developments concerning the scope of the crime of genocide could have told the Prosecutor that his chances were slight. He was bucking a trend towards a relatively narrow construction of the definition of genocide that has been confirmed in rulings of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice, and in the report of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry into Darfur. Note, in passing, that the major human rights NGOs, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have also prudently resisted using the term ‘genocide’ to describe the situation in Darfur.
Finally, a Debate about Complementarity
Thanks to Goran Sluiter.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Death Penalty Team Employment
Visit www.reprieve.org.uk for further details.
Send cv with covering letter to: Jane Pickering, Reprieve, PO Box 52742, London, EC4P 4WS. Email: jane@reprieve.org.uk
Shawan Jabarin Denied Right to Travel
Shawan is a great friend of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, and we all admire his enormous contribution to the promotion of human rights. He completed an LLM here some years ago.
Postdoctoral Positions
Post-doc 1 (Law): Individual Complaints in Human Rights Treaty Bodies.
Post-doc 2 (Philosophy/Political Theory): Normative issues concerning Human Rights Conventions. Application deadline: 14 April 2009.
For more info, please see:
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Peace Agreements Database
Dicker and De Waal Debate Bashir Arrest Warrant, Tension Between Peace and Justice
Alex is one of the most knowledgeable specialists on Sudanese politics; Richard is a veteran of the NGO campaign for international justice and the creation of the International Criminal Court.
Innovative Canadian Decision on Protection for US Death Row Inmate
Thanks to Ildiko Erdei.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Revolutionary United Front Judgment Available
I just checked the website of the
Thanks to Simon Meisenberg and Fidelma Donlon.
Bashir Arrest Warrant Issued
An arrest warrant for war crimes and crimes against humanity was issued against President Bashir of
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Aegis Trust Report on Enforcement of International Criminal law
The Aegis Trust has just issued a report containing interesting papers in the field of international criminal justice, including one dealing with a new convention on crimes against humanity, a new optional protocol to the Genocide Convention, and a common fund to finance extra-territorial: http://www.aegistrust.org/images/PDFs/enforcement_of_international_criminal_law.pdf .
Monday, 2 March 2009
Upcoming Conferences of Interest
The need to eradicate impunity. In Berlin, 0n 23 March, co-sponsored by the Bundestag's Human Rights & Humanitarian Aid Committee and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. According to Andrew Drzemczewski, 'the participation of persons other than the keynote speakers & AS/Jur members is encouraged (especially that of NGOs, academics etc., with a specific interest inthe subject)'. If you are interested in participating, please inform Sally-Ann Honeyman (sally-ann.honeyman@coe.int), preferably by Friday 6 March.The conference is to serve as a forum of open debate which will 'feed into' a report to be presented on this subject by the Committee's Rapporteur & Chairperson, Mrs Däubler-Gmelin, at the Parliamentary Assembly's June 2009 session in Strasbourg. Those wishing to participate will need to cover their own expenses.
The Future of International Criminal Justice. Organised by the Santa Clara Journal of International Law, in Santa Clara, California, on 13-14 March. Keynote speaker is M. Cherif Bassiouni. For further details: http://law.scu.edu/international-criminal-justice-symposium/index.cfm. The IntLawGrrls blog also has a summary of the Symposium here: http://intlawgrrls.blogspot.com/2009/02/go-on-future-of-international-criminal.html.
Thanks to Andrew Drzemczewski and Ann Marie Ursini.