There are many rumours afoot about the mysterious Barack O'Bama, but the best one is that O'Bama is really an Irishman. See: If things don't go well in November, we'd love it if he'd return back home and take on the job of Taoiseach. The guy currently doing the job is going through a bit of a rough patch.
I suppose everybody has seen the hilarious Saturday Night Live sketch about Sara Palin, but in case you missed it: I can hardly wait to visit that goofy evolution museum in New York City again.
And for those of you who haven't had enough wacky U-tube clips, this one comes from my daughter Louisa. It isn't really about human rights, but it is entertaining:
Thanks to Rick Lines, Pat O'Leary and Louisa Schabas.
Prof. Schabas, Have you seen the O'Bama t-shirt? It's great! Alas, it has been sold out for some time now...
O'Bama is Moneygall boy alright. He needs to embrace his Irish roots lol